01 DECEMBER, 2022
Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) are school-based groups across the United States that provide a
setting for youth to receive support and engage in advocacy around issues related to sexual
orientation and gender identity (e.g., coming out, bias-based harassment; Griffin, Lee, Waugh, &
Beyer, 2004; Russell, Muraco, Subramaniam, & Laub, 2009). They can be described within the framework
of youth program models, which identify characteristics of successful youth programs such as safe
and structured environments, opportunities to foster peer connection, building on youths’ strengths
to promote self-confidence, empowering youth by placing them in positions of responsibility, and
providing adult support and role modeling (Damon, 2004; Eccles & Gootman, 2002).
Consistent with these models, GSAs are youth-driven and supported by an adult advisor, with
a major
aim of providing social support and opportunities to engage in advocacy (Griffin et al., 2004).
Soon it will be starting in India with the help of the awareness created by EORTV and other
which will make more number of educated and well knowledge people which can change the future of our
upcoming generation and like Us and other countries our India will be creating Alliance too. There
are many NGOs and other groups trying to create this an many have been successful to but there will
be more number of Alliance soon.